Once again we will be offering our Twin Cities Slovenians calendar for next year (2021). As such, we need your beautiful photos of Slovenia.
- They cannot be copyrighted or commercial photos.
- As long as you have a “connection” (yours, your relatives or friends, etc.) you can “claim” them.
- If you are lucky enough to have “old” pictures of Slovenia, we would be happy to consider them.
- Pick your best (up to 5-6)
- Please identify the location of each photo and add a brief description if you can.
- By sending the photos, you agree that your name and photo may be used in our new calendar.
- Send photos as e-mail attachments to Rick Pisa rickpisa@gmail.com.
TCS Board members will pick a cover photo and twelve monthly pics to use in our new calendar. Landscape-type (wider than tall) photos will work best. They should be of high quality (pixels), since they will be enlarged to fit 8 1/2 by 11 size.
Please send photos by May 15st, 2020 to the above listed e-mail address…. You are guaranteed to have at least one of your photos in the final board selection process. Good Luck & start searching! Winners of the contest (those who have had their photos selected) and the 2021 calendar itself will be unveiled (and available for sale) in the fall of 2020. The procedure for final order and receipt of the calendars (via mail or pickup ) is dependent on our Fall 2020 meeting schedule. More information will be provided when this has been finalized.
We hope again to have a “pre-order” option to allow purchasers to reserve their copies. Directions on how to pre-order your calendars and how you can get them mailed to you as an option, will be sent over the summer. The calendar sale is our major fund raiser and helps cover our costs throughout the year. Please consider contributing photos and purchasing calendars. They make excellent gifts!