A PDF version of the current annual report, as well as previous reports including a history of our first 10 years, are available for downloading at the bottom of this page.
The Twin Cities Slovenians (TCS) was formed in Minneapolis, St. Paul and the surrounding areas as Branch 109 of the Slovenian Union of America (SUA). TCS welcomes all age groups as members. We invite you to join our social group if you have Slovenian heritage or are a friend of Slovenian culture. Our goal is to honor our Slovenian heritage through the sharing of fellowship, culture, history, and music, food, language, literature and genealogy activities. If you are of Slovenian heritage, wish you were, or are just impressed by this very small and beautiful country, the Twin Cities Slovenians welcome your inquiry and membership. There’s plenty of potica, good will and fun to go around. Check us out at twincitiesslovenians.org.
Facebook Updates
In addition to this website (www.twincitiesslovenians.org), the Twin Cites Slovenians has a Facebook page . We share pictures from our events and other useful communication. If you would like to join our Facebook page, search for Twin Cities Slovenians on Facebook, click on “Join” and answer the brief question.