Our monthly membership meeting on Feb. 18 will begin at 9:00 am to accommodate a special Zoom presentation by Joe Valencic. A Zoom link will be e-mailed to members a few days before the event. If you do not receive a link, please e-mail twincitiesslovenians@gmail.com
Join Joe Valencic as he shares the many age-old Easter and springtime traditions observed across Slovenia. Evergreen butare processions for Palm Sunday, the blessing of Easter baskets, and holiday poticas are also familiar to Slovenian families in North America. Learn how Slovenians decorate for Easter, what to eat when fasting, and when to stay silent or raise a ruckus. Did you know each food item in a Slovenian Easter basket is a symbol of the Passion?
Does your family have a Slovenian Easter tradition? Which recipes do you prepare? Let Joe know and he’ll include them in the presentation on Saturday, February 18, at 9:00 am.
Joe Valencic documents the Slovenian-American experience in films, presentations and exhibitions in the U. S. and Slovenia. He represents Slovenians in the U.S. on the international advisory board of Slovenia’s Office for Slovenes Abroad. He is a familiar figure on the local Slovenian scene. He is museum director and a founder of the National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame. Joe organizes many Slovenian-American cultural events and serves as president of the Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges. Listen to Joe on “Polka Hall of Fame Radio,” every Saturday with music and news from Slovenia in both languages, 12:00 noon CT on WINTradio.com and streaming at 247PolkaHeaven.com.